Allegra - mobile app for allergy sufferers
Today's post will be devoted to a broader description of one of our recent projects, it is an application monitoring the pollination of allergens in specific locations in Poland - Allegra.
Get to know our view of the IT world. We write about technologies, humanly.
Today's post will be devoted to a broader description of one of our recent projects, it is an application monitoring the pollination of allergens in specific locations in Poland - Allegra.
This entry is a collection of experiences that I acquired during many years of work on IT projects. One thing is certain, no matter how well you design the system architecture, how good tests you will write and how to buy the efficient machine - failures will happen. The most important thing is to prepare for such situations, have a plan of action and be able to detect and react to them as soon as possible.
Whether you are building a hobby project or fully profesional development, you will end up with the choice: How do I send my data from the device to the internet?
As an experienced software development company, we know that writing a good specification of system requirements is critical to the success of any software project. Working with dozens of companies from various industries, we have accumulated knowledge and created a vision of what the ideal specification should look like.